Discover AI-powered technologies and tools that can enhance your job search!

Vinny @ NextGen Career Coaching
5 min readJul 1, 2023


Artificial Intelligence is not going to steal our jobs

Artificial intelligence has well and truly arrived in 2023 and spoiler alert… it is NOT going to steal all of our jobs; it is actually more likely to create new jobs and enhance our existing ones.

It can also help you in finding your next job! I have compiled a selection of different tools and technologies, some of which use artificial intelligence that can help you fine-tune your job search and give you a competitive advantage over anyone who is not utilising these technologies.

ChatGPT — If you haven’t already I can’t recommend enough heading to and trying it out to explore its capabilities. With Google set to launch their own AI tool in Bard and Microsft launching Bing powered by ChatGPT, we will soon be spoilt for choice.

ChatGPT has many capabilities to name a few it can help you in providing personalised advice on job searching strategies, CV building, and interview preparation. It can also suggest relevant job postings based on the user’s skills and preferences, and provide insights into industry trends and job market conditions. I will go into more depth on key commands you can use in ChatGPT in a future post!

Canva — Is a fantastic design tool with many uses and if you want to stand out from the crowd with your CV design and structure then Canva offers some fantastic resume template designs. With over 12,000+ templates there is something to suit everyone’s taste and with its intuitive UI, it’s simple to use and customise any design and make it your own.

Grammarly — helps you write mistake-free, not only does it check your writing for spelling errors it will also help you by giving you feedback on your tone of voice. It uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing algorithms to analyse your text and provide feedback on errors and areas for improvement. Allowing you to simplify your language and cut out any unnecessary words. You can download it as a plug-in on Chrome or as an app, and I highly recommend it as a tool to use when writing your CV or cover letter.

Noty- is a transcription tool that you can download as a plug-in to transcribe your meetings on google chrome and Zoom. There are more of these tools coming onto the market all of the time, many offering free trials or limited use for free or offering paid versions for more usage. A transcription tool can come in very handy for those of you who struggle to take real-time notes during an interview or if you are trying to fine-tune your interview technique, then being able to transcribe and review your interview responses is a brilliant way to do this.

Krisp- supercharge your video interviews with With Krisp not only can you use ai technology to transcribe your meeting and summarise the notes but with Krisp you can activate the effective noise cancelling technology. Meaning if you are in a noisy environment, you can effectively filter out any unwanted background noise, meaning that your dog barking in the background, the noisy coffee shop, building work going on or unwanted background conversations will be removed via the ai technology, meaning that you can remain calm and assured during an interview without this unwanted stress.

Notion — Notion is a versatile productivity tool that can be used in many different ways to aid your job search, help you visualise your progress and keep on top of things.

You can create a job search database: Use Notion’s database feature to create a centralised list of job openings and track your application status (applied, interviewed, rejected, etc.).

Build a resume and cover letter library: Use Notion’s document editor to create and store multiple versions of your resume and cover letter. You can also use the database feature to link your resume and cover letter to specific job openings.

Organise networking contacts: Use Notion’s database feature to create a list of your networking contacts, you can also add notes about your conversations and follow-up actions.

Create a job search dashboard: Use Notion’s dashboard feature to create a visual overview of your job search progress, including the number of job applications, interviews, and job offers you’ve received. You can also add charts and graphs to visualise your job search data.

Overall, Notion can help you streamline your job search process, keep track of important details, and stay organised throughout the job search journey.


Slack Slack is a collaboration and communication tool used by most tech companies today. However, there are also ways you can utilise its capabilities to support your job search.

You can join Slack groups related to your industry or profession. These groups can be a great way to network with professionals in your field, learn about job openings, and get advice from others who are also job searching.

Use Slack to connect with recruiters: Many recruiters use Slack to communicate with job seekers. You can join Slack groups or channels that are specific to job postings or recruiters, or reach out to recruiters directly and ask if they have a Slack channel or workspace where they post job openings.

Create a private job search channel: Create a private channel in Slack to communicate with a job search accountability partner/career coach or group. You can share job leads, provide feedback on resumes and cover letters, and motivate each other to stay on track with job search tasks.

Set up Slack alerts for job postings: Slack allows you to set up alerts for specific keywords or phrases. You can use this feature to receive notifications when job openings that match your criteria are posted in Slack channels or groups.

Slack is also a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends in your industry. Join industry-related channels and groups to learn about new developments and expand your knowledge and expertise.

