Unleash your career potential: Master the art of skill stacking

Vinny @ NextGen Career Coaching
4 min readJul 1, 2023


In the ever-evolving world of work, the ability to adapt and thrive becomes increasingly vital. In order to excel in your chosen profession you need to consider how you can not only reach the top of your own game but to try and diversify your skill set to ensure your skills are versatile and unique. A strategy that involves combining different skills to create a unique and valuable skill set. By stacking complementary skills, you can position yourself as a versatile professional, opening doors to exciting career opportunities. In this blog post, I’ll delve into the concept of skills stacking, explore its benefits, and provide practical tips and examples to help you harness its power.

What is Skills Stacking?

Skills stacking is the art of combining multiple skills, often from different domains, to create a hybrid skill set. It’s akin to building a tower with building blocks, where each block represents a valuable skill you possess. By stacking these skills strategically, you can differentiate yourself from others and offer a unique blend of expertise.

Benefits of Skills Stacking:

1. Enhanced Employability: Stacking skills allows you to meet the demands of a rapidly changing job market. You become a versatile candidate who can adapt to different roles, industries, and technologies.

2. Competitive Advantage: The combination of diverse skills sets you apart from the competition. Employers value professionals who can offer a broader perspective and contribute to various aspects of a project or organisation.

3. Increased Innovation: Skills stacking encourages the cross-pollination of ideas and methodologies from different disciplines. This fusion of knowledge fuels creativity, enabling you to approach problem-solving with fresh insights. In the world of technology and working in a cross functional team the ability to be able to work and understand the perspective of other team members can lead to a greater ability to collaborate effectively.

Practical Tips for Skills Stacking:

1. Identify Core Skills:

Begin by identifying your core skills — the ones you excel in and enjoy. These will serve as the foundation of your skill stack. Consider your academic background, work experience, and personal interests to pinpoint your strengths.

2. Research Industry Trends:

Stay updated on industry trends and future job market demands. Identify skills that are in high demand or likely to be valuable in the future. This research will help you choose complementary skills that align with your core expertise.

3. Leverage Transferable Skills:

Transferable skills, such as communication, leadership, project management, and critical thinking, are valuable additions to any skill stack. Identify which of these skills you possess or can develop further, as they can be applied across various roles and industries.

4. Seek Skill Gaps:

Identify areas where your core skills can be augmented by complementary ones. Look for skills that are related or have overlapping aspects with your core expertise. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, learning front-end development or UX design can enhance your value in the digital space.

5. Pursue Continuous Learning:

Actively seek opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge. Online courses, workshops, industry conferences, and mentorship programs are excellent avenues for expanding your skill stack. Have a deliberate and pro active approach to learning setting aside time each week for self-study and stay curious about emerging trends in your field.

Examples of Skills Stacking:

Marketing Strategist with Data Analysis Skills:

Combining marketing expertise with data analysis skills can yield powerful insights and enable data-driven decision-making. This combination allows you to develop effective marketing strategies while analysing metrics and optimizing campaigns for better results.

UX Designer with Front-end Development Skills:

Adding front-end development skills to your UX design proficiency empowers you to bring your designs to life. By understanding the technical aspects of implementing user interfaces, you can collaborate seamlessly with developers and create user-friendly and visually appealing digital experiences.

Software Engineer with Storytelling Skills:

As a software engineer, augmenting your technical skills with presentation or storytelling abilities can have a significant impact. Effective communication and presentation skills enable you to articulate complex concepts to non-technical stakeholders, making your ideas more accessible and garnering support for your projects. Additionally, storytelling skills can help you convey the value and impact of your technical solutions, making them more compelling to clients or end-users.

By combining your software engineering expertise with presentation or storytelling skills, you become a well-rounded professional who can not only develop high-quality software but also effectively communicate its value and impact to diverse audiences.


Skills stacking is a powerful strategy to accelerate your career growth and stand out in a competitive job market. By combining different skills and creating a unique skill set, you position yourself as a versatile professional with a diverse range of expertise. Remember to identify your core skills, research industry trends, leverage transferable skills, seek skill gaps, and pursue continuous learning. Embrace the art of skills stacking, and unlock new opportunities for personal and professional success.

